Every production phase is followed and recorded through traceability documents, being accessible at any moment.
All pieces are controlled before, during and after each phase of the production cycle.
Our Control Department is fully equiped with modern and specific metrology equipment such as center distance machines, reference shims, profile projector… all verified by an accredited COFRAC metrology laboratory.
We are certified ISO 9001 v.2015 (certificate here)
We are accredited (see references) as well by major manufacturers in Aeronautics, Military, Medical, Rail industries.
Gelamur is member of the RME – Managers for Environment Network
In 2014, Gelamur SAS joined the Réseau des Managers de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable (Managers for Environment and Sustainable Development Network), network of companies in Val-d’Oise and Yvelines committed to respecting the environment, and able to demonstrate effective management of the environment through the implementation of technical solutions and/or through investments.